More than 100 alumnae across various batches attended, the 3rd Alumni Meet titled ‘Sanjh’ held on March 11, 2018 in the college auditorium Vidyak Bhavan. The meet was dedicated to the 125th foundation anniversary of SSSS institutions established in 1993 and 25th anniversary of the SSSS College of Commerce for Women established in 1993. The atmosphere was nostalgic. The occasion saw the alumni thanking their alma mater while many current students interacted with their alumnus to learn from their experiences. Speaking on the occasion college Principal Dr. Navdeep Kaur underlined and praised the admirable achievements of the students of SSSS College. Director S. Jagdish Singh Ji proudly acclaimed that the students of the college are making family SSSS proud by their achievements. Principal Mrs. Rama Mahajan of Ajit Vidhyalaya was honoured and Mrs. Vinodita Sankhyan Principal of Shri Ram Ashram School was also honoured. However the members of her staff received the honour on her behalf. SSSSian alumni and the star achievers were honoured by the Director and Principal in the presence of members of Management, the parents of the students and guests from different SSSS institutions. A cultural programme of folk songs and dances, Gidha and an act related to the growth and progress of SSSS institutions were the attractions of the event.
Principal emphasized the need of connectivity between the alumni and the college for the mutual growth and goodwill. Mrs. Ravneet Arora presented vote of thanks to all present on the occasion.
The book ‘Shapers and Sharpeners’ written by Director S. Jagdish Singh Ji was released by Sardarni Swaran Kaur, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Dr. Harpreet Kaur, S. Brahmjeet Singh. Students of Buds Charm performed choreography.
Giani Kewal Singh, S. Piara Singh, Dr. Tejpal Singh, Pr. Nanak Singh, Dr. J.S Arora, S. S.S. Kahlon, S. Jatinder Singh, S. Maninder Singh, S. Brahmjit Singh, Mrs. Gurinder Suri, S. Gurpreet Singh, Mrs. Arvinder Kaur, S. Satinder Singh, Mrs. Manjit Kaur, S. Sukhwinder Singh and Mrs. Ramandeep Kaur were also present on this occasion.