- Ms. Kathleen Mulligan, Associate Professor of Voice and Speech, Ithaca College, University of New York being honoured by the college authorities.
- Ms. Kathleen Mulligan, Associate Professor of Voice and Speech, Ithaca College, University of New York conducting a three day workshop on "Finding Women's Voices".
- An interactive session in progress during educational visit by the members from Cranford Community College, England.
- Dr Tom Palmer, Executive Vice President for International Programs Atlas Network, US giving his presentation on Economic Freedom.
- Report on Amritsar City Bus being released.
- College authorities presenting a memento as a token of gratitude to Dr. Tom Palmer.
- Dr. Ronald Meinardus Regional Director South Asia Friedrich Naumann Foundation presenting a copy of the book titled "What does it mean to be liberal in India" to a student.
- Dr. Ronald Meinardus Regional Director South Asia Friedrich Naumann Foundation interacting with a student during the Book Discussion Session.
- Dr. Gregorio Vicente Nicolas, Professor, Dept. of Art, Music and Physical Education, University of Murcia (Spain) being honoured by the college authorities.
- Faculty Development Lecture on the theme 'Disconnects between education and skills required for employment in today's techno-savvy dynamic environment'.
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