On November 10, 2020 SSSS Group of Schools and College organized a function to commemorate and salute Bibi Raj Devi, Wife of S. Sant Singh Ji, the founder of the SSSS group of institutes. S. Jagdish Singh, Director of the institutions acclaimed Bibi Raj Devi`s sacrifice in the field of education and encouraged everyone to be truthful and righteous. The College theatre group ‘Niralam’ enacted a play entitled ‘Ilam, Akkhar te Jaag’ written and directed by Ms. Kiran Bala, Assistant Professor in Punjabi. The presentation by the theatre group was dedicated to Bibi Raj Devi. It depicted the desire of awareness and perceptibility of a woman to know and awaken thyself and all other around. The audience was mesmerised by the artistic and heart touching performance by the entire team. Ms. Ramya, Assistant professor in Commerce recited a poem “Ih Dharti De Lok Kuj”. Dr. Navdeep Kaur, Principal SSSS College of Commerce for Women while presenting vote of thanks paid tribute to the unparalleled sacrifices of Bibi Raj Devi Ji and highly lauded the participants of the play. Sardarni Swaran Kaur, Dr. Narinder Kaur, S. Gurpreet Singh, S. Satinder Singh, S. Sukhwinder Singh and Mrs. Arvinder Kaur graced the occasion with their benign presence. The entire staff of SSSS institutions was also present in the occasion.
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