A Career Counselling programme was organized by the college for the students of matriculation of below mentioned schools:


Name of School

Resource Person

February 22, 2019

SSSS Modern High School

Mrs. Rakhi Oberoi

Mrs. Neetu Vinod

Mrs. Ashmeet Kaur

February 27, 2019

St. Marry Girls High School

Mrs. Neetu Vinod

Mrs. Honey

February 27, 2019

St. Sarang Dhav School

Mrs. Neetu Vinod

Mrs. Honey


The panel of experts from the college faculty apprised the students about various courses they can pursue after completing their matriculation. Students were also informed of the various competitive exams and career options available to them through a PowerPoint presentation. The faculty interacted with the students and answered their queries related to various options they wanted to pursue. On the Whole, the sessions were highly informative and useful for all the participants.