The strength of our character lies in our core values, the four pillars upon which we stand tall and firm-Religiosity, Integrity, Transparency, and Steadfastness. These values inspire us for a truthful living for the enlightenment of the self. We strive to create awareness regarding these basic human values through exemplary behavior.
Religiosity: We endeavour to reaffirm the faith of humanity in benevolence, the essence of all religions. We respect all religions and bow to the Supreme Power in absolute surrender and gratitude. We believe in equality and oneness and strive to teach the same to our students. Although born into families pursuing different faiths, our students learn to imbibe the Universal values of love and compassion.
Integrity: The value of honesty is the first and foremost principle in our work culture. We offer a healthy atmosphere where students feel confident to discuss anything they feel strongly about. They are encouraged to admit their mistakes and learn from them. Humility and Generosity are among the foundation values of the institution. Faculty elucidates respect and equality towards everyone, senior and junior, superior and subordinate. This behavioral attitude becomes the hallmark of our students in every walk of their lives.
Transparency: We believe in the values brought by transparency. We try to incorporate this principle into our daily routines by practicing truthfulness. Perspective plans and future goals are shared and discussed with everyone.
Steadfastness: The students are encouraged towards self-respect and a strong belief in their capabilities. They are encouraged to work hard, strive towards making a positive difference in the lives of the underprivileged and restrained from superstitions. Clarity, confidence and values gives strength to the character which leads to development of steadfastness as an attribute integral for building a nation.