Annual sports Day of the College was held on Monday, February 18,2019 at SSSS grounds, Mata Kaulan Marg Campus, Amritsar . 

The day started with the recitation of College Anthem and Surya Namaskar. In the welcome address S.Jagdish Singh, Director highly praised the contributions of Dr. Kanwaljeet Singh towards the achievements of the University in the field of sports and expressed his happiness at his selection as the Vice Chancellor of Central University, Gwalior. He boosted the morale of the participants and motivated them to excel in every pursuit of their student life. Around 50 students participated in various simple sorts events such as relay race, hurdle race, Skipping, Tug of War and a few fun games etc. and exhibited great enthusiasm and zeal in every event. The viewers too were joyous and exuberant. Dr. Kanwaljeet Singh, the chief guest urged the students to play an active role in safeguarding the environment and inspired them to take up this cause as life goal for the betterment of the human race.

He appreciated the role of SSSS educational institutions in the field of education and extended his best wishes to the students.

A brief cultural program comprising a medley of traditional and contemporary music was presented by the students which added to the gaiety of the occasion.The Director and the Principal presented Siropa and and a picture of Sri Darbar Sahib as a token of their gratitude to the Chief Guest. A Prize distribution ceremony was held to give away medals and trophies to the winners. Sardarni Swarn Kaur, S. Gurpreet Singh, Mrs. Arwinder Kaur, Mrs. Neelam, S. Satinder Singh, S. Sukhwinder Singh were also present on this occasion.